Friday, April 30, 2010

The value in investing in children

Psalm 138:7-8

7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my life;
you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes,
with your right hand you save me.

8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever—
do not abandon the works of your hands.

I cling strongly to these words in the Bible when I feel myself become overwhelmed with the needs of orphans across our nation and around the world. I am moved by the numbers of Christians who have decided to adopt are who have taken orphan care points under their wing, called them their own and have become the voice for the voiceless.

God cherishes life. God's plans carry out in and through every child no matter what the journey may be.

The orphan crisis is something that is growing in volumes by the thousands every day. Will we rise up and support God's children who have no one to call their own? I believe it needs to take more than families adopting

It will take churches rising up and adopting a community of orphans to bring change. Can we rise up to that challenge, to THIS CALL?

In order for this to continue to happen, we need to invest our young people and children to the need of orphan care. God has laid this so heavily on my heart as the team I am taking to Kenya is June prepares for departure.

Of the 9 people going to Kenya June 3-18th, 5 of these people are youth ages 12-18. OVER HALF! I didn't think of this until a couple of weeks ago. We have FIVE YOUTH from our church's youth group going to Kenya-spreading their excitement and anticipation of what is ahead of them. We have FIVE YOUTH who attend a local Christian School in town that has gone before their Administrative Board asking for a partnership with Mattaw Children's Village school.

We have the power to change the lives of thousands of orphans by coming together and using the resources we have to impact children who are so vulnerable.

God wants us to be His vessels-to be His hands and feet to defend the cause of the orphan.

Want to start? Please email me at tlkenya (at) yahoo (dot) com if you would like to help.

Friday, April 23, 2010

We're back....long time :)

Are you all still out there??? It's me, remember? I know, I've been gone a long time, but in all honesty, I needed the break. Between working full time, being a mom and a wife to my husband, something needed to give. Blogging needed to be it for a while. I have had a lot going on in my life since my birthday back in early March, some good, some great, some very stressful. But God is good and has used EVERY DETAIL for his glory and we are standing stronger because of Him.

First, we found out we are expecting our 3rd little joy sometime in mid November. I know, I was as shocked as EVER and I think I may have dented our budget just a tish with all the tests I took "just to be sure". Sorry hubs :/ I just couldn't believe it. We are so excited and thrilled for this one to arrive.

So, what about our adoption? This was a struggle. We had started our home study and were and continue to be excited about the adoption process, but have decided to put a hold on it until after the baby is born. This was probably a detail that we struggled the most with, because we were sure of God's timing in this, and still are sure, but it pained me so to speak the words "put it on hold please". As I have started to feel our baby kick and flutter all the emotions of excitement and anticipation have built up again and God has held me in reassuring me that it is HIS plan for our life that we are following, not our own.

Finally, I will be leading a team of 8 people from our church and taking them to Kenya to visit Mattaw Children's Village June 3-18th. UH-MAZ-ING story in how God orchestrated this entire thing. I have lots of things on my mind to share about the joys of letting go and letting God. I've heard that saying over and over and over and truly feel as though I've learned what that means over the past 6 weeks. We have a family of 5 and a family of three. 4 adults and 5 kids ages 6th grade to 12th grade. Incredible people. I can't wait to share with you more about the team going and what we will be doing.

Though I haven't been writing, I have been belly laughing and crying with you and have been so encouraged by a lot of your blogs that I have continued to read. Adoptions, deaths, births, missions trips, mommyhood, orphan care-it's been so fun to read.

It's good to be back.