Monday, March 1, 2010


I have 2 sisters. I love them both so dearly. I will tell you about one of them first. Noelle is a loving, sensitive, spontaneous, Jesus lover and has travelled around the world searching for where God may be taking her.

As a soon-to-be college grad, she will be venturing out of the Midwest to Colorado Springs *sniff* to find her next adventure.

Introducing my gifted, beautiful, youngest sister, Bethany Noelle (though, call her Bethany and you will find yourself swung on the other side of the cliff she is climbing)

Her newest song (and first to be put "out there")

"What Love Is This?"

You who did not spare Your Son
But You gave Him up for us
You gave up Your Holy throne
And came to wash my feet, Lord

What love is this
What love is this?
That's poured on me
Despite what I do
What love is this?
Its so pure and matchless
It brings me to my knees in awe and worship!

What can I say?
For my God fights for me always
My sufficiency and strength
Names me his beloved

Chorus repeat

This love
Cannot separate
This love
Cannot be torn away from you
This love
No man or woman
No ruler, angel
No height no depth
No past No future
No failure no tears
No weakness, danger
No persecution
No insecurity
No stress or hurting
Can separate you from the love of Jesus!