I can't find the words.
.....ever been that way, when something completely takes your breath away and you have to sit and process if you were in a dream or if it really happened?
That is me in this moment right now. Speachless.
Brandi and Vince from Children's HopeChest came to Fargo this weekend (which I'm sure you know this by now) to launch our own Community Connect with Bukedea, Uganda.
Guys, this community is OURS! We had a weekend filled with sponsorships, donations, and sales of Ugandan Bead necklaces and aprons. Our total for the weekend came in just below $4000.
4,000 bucks baby. We have 60% to go to get these kiddos a sheltered kitchen so they may be fed daily.
I was completely swept off my feet in seeing the Lord work. Because of YOU and your participation, we are almost half way there! Are you still willing to spread the word about Uganda?
If you missed the weekend and are still interested in sponsorship, beaded necklaces or aprons, contact me directly. We have also started a Facebook group titled "Bukedea: Orphan Hope". Please, if you can, join this group and receive updates on what is going on towards progress for the kitchen and also about future fundraisers, open houses, and even trips to Uganda!!!
Look at this sweet Ethiopian girl, Maya, who stopped by. She couldn't get enough of these necklaces!!!!
I will have a link posted on my blog with ways to keep giving back-by purchasing necklaces or sponsoring a child so stay tuned.
Thanks to Rialee Photography, Lyz and Ilene for hosting parties and to those of you who sponsored children this weekend.
I'm speachless....I feel like words cannot bring justice to what happened this weekend. My prayer is that you do not let these kids leave your minds. Write their names on your heart and pray for them as you wear those necklaces!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
1 comment:
Oh Lindsey,
I'm so glad it went well. God is good and his people have responded! God reminded me to pray off and on all day yesterday. I was at my friends in SD, which is why I couldn't come. I'm still interested buying a couple of necklaces. I'll call you sometime this week.
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