Wednesday, September 2, 2009

..ahem..not my planning

So again, I sit shock. In amazement of what God can do. Several weeks ago, I put in a proposal to my employer of creating a new position that was needed desperately within our agency. With some minor tweaking and adjustments, they APPROVED THE POSTION!

So, starting in roughly 2 weeks, I will have this new position that allows me to keep my salary and benefits for my family PLUS stay at home with my children during the day, eliminating our cost for daycare each month.

We have been praying for God to help us pay off our debt by June 1st so we may be debt free before we go to Kenya next year, Lord willing. I had no idea that THIS would be a part of HIS plan.

So, I sit here. Shocked. ReJOYcing in all He is able to do. Clinging to the hope that God knows our hearts desires, knows our needs and is willing and able to provide for them if we are willing to step out in faith and trust/surrender our plan to His.

Do you have a story in which God has unexpectedly provided for you or your family? If so, share!!!! I'd love to hear it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I just found your blog and really enjoy it. :)