Thursday, April 16, 2009

Doing the boogie!!!!

Wow-what a good week. I mean, ya it's been tough in a lot of ways, but how sweet it is to know that when a storm is rocking your world (or a flood or relationship or work crisis or whatever it may be) that there is ALWAYS refuge in Christ.

Thank you for praying for me! I've been carried through this week and I know I'll need to be carried more in the future, but for now, I'm back on my game and have some GREAT stories to share and fun fun FUN things I've found that I can't wait to show all of you.

But first. I have to say. Ahem. I am pleased to announce......

My favorite 4 yr old is turning five in a couple weeks (wow, big gasp..time goes by so fast)

and what better way to celebrate, than to

Splish ~ Splash~at SEA WORLD!!!!!
I will take many photos to show you as I am almost guaranteed to have some funny moments with my dramatic little guy. We are soooooooooooooooo excited. Just B and I.
I couldn't resist.
I had an offer from a co worker of some really cheap tickets and I could not say no. So, the last week of April, B and I will fully enjoy a day at the beach, Sea World and maybe some time at the Kennedy Space Center. We're going to throw life at the wind and do whatever we feel like for 5 days.
Did I mention taht we are excited!?!?!? Have you been to Orlando? If so, I'd LOVE some pointers and tips on how to make it down there cuz personally, I have never been.
I'm doing the boogie!

1 comment:

Shannonheick said...

Wow- I AM SOOOO jealous Lindsay! I LOVE LOVE LOVE SeaWorld! honestly, I used to dream of being a killer whale trainer! haaa. i can't wait to see your pics! It was great to see you today too by the way! You look great as always!